A Message sweet is Borne to Me
A message sweet is borne to me
On wings of joy divine;
A wondrous message, glad and free,
That thrills this heart of mine;
I�m saved by grace, by grace alone,
Through Christ, Whose love I claim,
No other could for sin atone,
Hosanna to His Name!
O glorious song that all day long
With tuneful note is ringing,
I�m saved by grace, amazing grace,
And that is why I�m singing!
I hear the message that I love
When morning dawns anew;
I read it in the sun above
That shines across the blue;
I hear it in the twilight still,
And at the sunset hour�
I�m saved by grace! what words can thrill
With such a magic power?
Oh, wondrous grace for all mankind,
That spreads from sea to sea!
It heals the sick and leads the blind,
And sets the prisoner free;
The soul that seeks it cannot fail
To see the Savior�s face,
And Satan�s power cannot prevail
If we are saved by grace.
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