�Loyalty unto Christ� the trumpet now is sounding,
And the echoes answer from the fields of sin;
Nations are awaking, idol thrones are shaking,
For the great millennium is coming in.
Like a mighty army,
The heralds of the cross are spreading over land and sea.
Bearing through the darkness,
The light that leadeth to salvation full and free.
Long and loud, �Loyalty unto Christ� we sing;
Till every human tongue shall hear His praises sung!
Let the hills, valleys and desert places ring,
With �Loyalty unto Christ, our Lord and King.�
Loyalty, faith and works, in holy consecration,
Shall the scattered nations unto Him restore;
Then the world shall own Him, and with joy enthrone Him,
King of kings and Lord of lords forevermore.
See the darkness lifting!
The Gospel light of truth is spreading to the perfect day!
Clouds are backward drifting!
Renew endeavor! for the King prepare the way!
�Loyalty unto Christ!� O what a mighty power,
Were the hosts of God united in His Name!
Then would angels greet us, Christ Himself would meet us,
And baptize us with the Pentecostal flame.
Then would come the triumph,
And Christ be known and loved,
His praise be sung from shore to shore;
Earth would then, in glory,
Become the kingdom of the Lord forevermore.