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The King of Heaven

The King of Heav�n His table spreads,
And blessings crown the board;
Not paradise, with all its joys,
Could such delight afford.

Pardon and peace to dying men,
And endless life are giv�n,
Through the rich blood that Jesus shed
To raise our souls to Heav�n.

Ye hungry poor, that long have strayed
In sin�s dark mazes, come:
Come from the hedges and highways
And grace shall find you room.

Millions of souls, in glory now,
Were fed and feasted here;
And millions more, still on the way,
Around the board appear.

Yet is His house and heart so large,
That millions more may come;
Nor could the wide assembling world
O�erfill the spacious room.

All things are ready, come away,
Nor weak excuses frame;
Crowd to your places at the feast;
And bless the Founder�s Name.


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