Keep Me
In this wicked world am I,
Watch Thou o�er me from on high;
Keep my soul, lest I should be
Led astray, O Lord, from Thee.
All I am or hope to be,
I commit, dear Lord, to Thee;
Oh, preserve me in Thy love,
Till I reach Thy courts above.
Keep me spotless, keep me pure,
Keep me lest the world allure;
Keep me in Thy secret place,
Where I e�er may see Thy face.
Keep me guiltless night and day,
Help me Thy commands obey;
Keep me humble, let not pride
Ever in my soul abide.
Keep me gentle, let no word
From my lips be ever heard
That shall wound a tender heart,
Cause a tear of grief to start.
Keep me for Thyself alone,
Nevermore to be mine own;
Keep me in Thy favor sweet,
In Thy grace and truth complete.
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