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Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus

Jesus, Jesus, only Jesus,
Can my heartfelt longing still.
Lo, I pledge myself to Jesus
What He wills alone to will.
For my heart, which He hath filled,
Ever cries, Lord, as Thou wilt.

One there is for Whom I�m living,
Whom I love most tenderly;
Unto Jesus I am giving
What in love He gave to me.
Jesus� blood hides all my guilt;
Lord, oh, lead me as Thou wilt.

What to me may seem a treasure
But displeasing is to Thee,
Oh, remove such harmful pleasure;
Give instead what profits me.
Let my heart by Thee be stilled;
Make me Thine, Lord, as Thou wilt.

Let me earnestly endeavor
Thy good pleasure to fulfill;
In me, through me, with me, ever,
Lord, accomplish Thou Thy will.
In Thy holy image built,
Let me die, Lord, as Thou wilt.

Jesus, constant be my praises,
For Thou unto me didst bring
Thine own self and all Thy graces
That I joyfully may sing;
Be it unto me, my Shield,
As Thou wilt, Lord, as Thou wilt.


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