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Is the Blood Still Fresh for You

There's a power to heal and make new
There was a man who lived long, long ago
Who knew His Father's will
To an Old Rugged Cross He knew He'd go
His purpose to fulfill

Is the blood still fresh for you?
Is the blood still fresh for you?
Every drop that was shed came from a heart that bled
With a power to heal and make new

In the garden He prayed "Not my will but thine"
Then "forgive they know not what they do"
While upon that ol' cross our dear Savior died
Shed His blood there for me and for you

Repeat Chorus

Oh you who may have known the Lord for awhile
In His fields you worked so well
But the race isn't run 'til the last soul is won
And in this we must not fail

Repeat Chorus

Every drop that was shed came from a heart that bled
With a power to heal and make new


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