I do believe the Bible, the bless�d Word of God,
And close unto its promises I cleave.
It points me to the pathway the saints and martyrs trod,
My Father is its Author, and I believe.
Yes, I believe the bless�d Word of God,
It marks the paths His people all have trod;
The story, from creation, all thro� to �Revelation,�
Bears proof of inspiration, and I believe.
It was my parents� counsel; to them its truths were grand.
And mem�ry oft a picture sweet doth weave
Of that �old-fashioned Bible that lay upon the stand,�
In life, in death, it cheered them, and I believe.
I once was lost and dying, in darkness and despair,
And o�er my lost condition long I grieved,
Until I searched the Bible and learned of Jesus there,
Who sweetly blest and saved me when I believed.
Bold infidels may cavil, and scorn the bless�d Book,
And with their groundless doctrines may deceive;
Still all the while the Bible brings peace to those who look
With faith upon its pages, and I believe.