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The Highest Joy

The highest joy that can be known
To those who heav�nward wend�
It is the Word of Life to own,
And God to have as Friend;
It is the Word of Life to own,
And God to have as Friend.

The Word doth give me wealth untold,
All good it has in store;
My deepest sorrows lose their hold
To joys forevermore;
My deepest sorrows loose their hold
To joys forevermore.

How often when in deep despair
My soul has been restored,
And when the tempter would ensnare
�Twould strength to stand afford;
And when the tempter would ensnare
�Twould strength to stand afford.

It tells me of a love divine,
How Jesus� blood was shed;
Each day this joyous song is mine
As paths of grace I tread;
Each day this joyous song is mine
As paths of grace I tread.

When stars above shall shine no more
God�s Word is still my light;
When pleasures of this world are o�er,
My joys shall reach their height;
When pleasures of this world are o�er,
My joys shall reach their height.


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