Hurry and tell Him
�Ask, and it shall be given you,� brother,
He is the Lord, who careth for all;
Come with your heart all broken and bleeding,
Come, He will hear and answer your call.
Hurry and tell Him, brother and sister;
Jesus, so tender, loving and kind,
Waiting to comfort, bless and deliver;
Hurry and tell Him, peace you will find.
Hurry and tell Him, why do you tarry?
Open your heart while Jesus is near;
Bring Him the burdens you cannot carry,
Tell Him with courage, nothing to fear.
Hurry and tell what tongue cannot utter,
Groaning and sighing, loaded with care;
Bruised and weak with doubting, you falter;
Tell Him, He waits your burdens to bear.
Hurry and tell Him every affliction,
Tell Him each pain and sorrow of heart;
Here is the word, �All power is given�;
�Lo, I am with you,� never to part.
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