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How Sweet is my walk with Jesus

How sweet is my walk with Jesus!
What blessings He breathes on me!
We walk in the golden morning�
And, oh, how my soul is free!�
And onward together journey,
As swiftly the moments fly;
I sing of His love at evening,
As twilight illumes the sky.

Oh, sweet is my walk with Jesus!
How gently He smiles on me!
Yet, nearer, my Lord so precious,
Oh, help me to walk with Thee.

How sweet is my walk with Jesus!
His whispers of peace I hear;
His banner of love is o�er us,
And angels are hov�ring near;
I walk in the light with Jesus,
He shines in the narrow way;
The shadows of sin are vanished,
I walk in the light of day.

How sweet is my walk with Jesus!
I love all the way He trod;
Embraced in His sweet communion,
I�ll walk with the Son of God;
I turn from the paths of pleasure,
And closer to Jesus press;
I�ll walk with my dear Redeemer,
In His perfect holiness.


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