How bright appears the morning star
How bright appears the morning star,
With mercy beaming from afar!
The host of Heav�n rejoices!
O righteous Branch! O Jesse�s Rod!
Thou Son of man, and Son of God!
We too will lift our voices
Jesus! Jesus! Holy, holy! yet most lowly!
Draw Thou near us:
Great Emmanuel! stoop and hear us!
Rejoice, ye heav�ns, thou earth, reply!
With praise, ye sinners, fill the sky!
For this His incarnation!
Incarnate God, put forth Thy power,
Ride on, ride on, great Conqueror,
Till all know Thy salvation.
Amen, amen! Alleluia, alleluia!
Praise be given
Evermore, by earth and Heaven.
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