Holy Spirit come and shine
Holy Spirit, come and shine
Sweetly in this heart of mine,
With Thy heavenly love and light;
Come, Thou Father of the poor,
Come, Thou Giver, great and sure;
Come, and make my spirit bright!
Best of all my helpers, Thou!
Dearest Guest that I can know,
Freshest Draught that I can find:
In my labor Thou art Peace,
Thou dost bid my fever cease,
To my sorrows Thou art kind.
O Thou bless�d Light of Light,
Fill Thou every secret height
In Thy servant�s waiting soul!
Save for this, Thy heavenly aid,
Man would be for nothing made;
Not a sin could he control.
Cleanse Thou every sordid place
Soften harshness by Thy grace,
Heal the wounds I feel within;
Bend the stubborn will to Thine,
Cheer the thoughts that droop and pine�
Rule whatever turns to sin!
Give to them that faithful be
Everlasting trust in Thee,
All Thy sevenfold gifts bestow;
Give to virtue her reward,
Give us safety in our Lord,
Give what joy immortals know!
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