His battle ended there
His battle ended there, death was overcome.
Jesus, alive again, wore the victor's crown.
Clearly sin had failed, goodness had prevailed,
alleluia, alleluia;
alleluia, alleluia.
Dread powers of death and sin had him in their hold.
When Jesus rose again all their plans were foiled.
Jesus lived again, triumphed over sin,
alleluia, alleluia;
alleluia, alleluia.
Dead in the grave he lay; mourned by every friend.
Those dark and fearful days then did reach their end.
God raised him to life, victor in the strife.
alleluia, alleluia;
alleluia, alleluia.
He burst the chains of sin, opened death's dark jail.
God filled him with new life, life that could not fail.
Right before their eyes, Jesus did arise,
alleluia, alleluia;
alleluia, alleluia.
Lord, by the pains you bore in your darkest hour,
free us from fear of death, and from all sin's power.
May we with you live, to you ourselves give,
alleluia, alleluia;
alleluia, alleluia.
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