Hear and Answer Prayer
I am praying, bless�d Savior,
To be more and more like Thee;
I am praying that Thy Spirit
Like a dove may rest on me.
Thou Who knowest all my weakness,
Thou Who knowest all my care,
While I plead each precious promise,
Hear, oh, hear and answer prayer.
I am praying, bless�d Savior,
For a faith so clear and bright
That its eye will see Thy glory
Through the deepest, darkest night.
I am praying to be humbled
By the power of grace divine,
To be clothed upon with meekness,
And to have no will but Thine.
I am praying, bless�d Savior,
And my constant prayer shall be
For a perfect consecration,
That shall make me more like Thee.
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