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He wants his way in Thee

have heard a most wonderful story
Of the Son of the Highest in glory,
How my heart He doth seek, though so sinful, so weak,
God has sent the Holy Spirit
To our hearts an honored guest,
To deliver us from evil,
And to bring us peace and rest;
He has come to work within us
Heaven�s purposes so blest:
He wants His way in thee.

Yield unto the Holy Spirit,
Let Him have His way in thee;
Be thou ready to obey Him,
He leads to victory.

Let the Spirit do the planning,
Point the way thy feet shall go;
Greater than thine own His wisdom,
He the will of God doth know;
Better, wiser than thy choosing
Is the way that He will show:
He wants His way in thee.

He doth sometimes work in silence,
When thou dost not know at all;
He doth sometimes speak so softly
Thou must listen for His call;
But if thou wilt trust Him fully,
He will be thine all in all:
He wants His way in thee.

All thyself to Him surrender,
As He pleases let Him do;
In the paths He leadeth, follow,
Whether they be old or new;
When the tasks seem hard before thee,
He with power will endue:
He wants His way in thee.


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