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He is Risen

Said the angel, �He is risen!�
Tell it out with joyful voice:
He has burst His three days� prison;
Let the whole wide earth rejoice:
Death is conquered, we are free,
Christ has won the victory.

Come, ye sad and fearful hearted,
With glad smile and radiant brow!
Death�s long shadows have departed;
All our woes are over now,
Due to passion that He bore�
Sin and pain can vex no more.

Come, with high and holy hymning,
Chant our Lord�s triumphant day;
Not one darksome cloud is dimming
Yonder glorious morning ray,
Breaking over the purple east:
Brighter far our Easter feast.

He is risen, He is risen!
He has opened heaven�s gate:
We are free from sin�s dark prison,
Risen to a holier state;
And a brighter Easter beam
On our longing eyes shall stream.


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