He is just the same today
Have you ever heard of Jesus,
How He came from heav�n to earth,
With a name of mighty virtue,
Though by very humble birth?
When the world was held in bondage,
Under Satan�s dismal sway,
Jesus healed their dread diseases�
He is just the same today.
He is just the same today,
He is just the same today;
Yes, He healed in Galilee,
Set the suff�ring captives free,
And He�s just the same today.
Do you see the people gather
Round that great and holy Man,
Bringing all the sick and suff�ring,
Coming to Him all who can?
See Him look with great compassion,
As they fainted by the way!
How He called them gently to Him,
He is just the same today.
Is it true that every sickness
May be laid at Jesus� feet?
All my trouble, care, and sorrow,
And I rest in joy complete?
Yes, my brother, every sadness,
If by faith to Him you pray,
He�ll remove with tender mercy,
For He�s just the same today.
Oh, that precious, loving Jesus!
His compassion still the same,
Toward poor sinful, suff�ring mortals
Who seek refuge in His name.
Heed the present invitation,
Oh, you need not stay away!
Just receive His healing favor,
For He�s just the same today.
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