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Hark, the Voice Eternal

Hark! the voice eternal, robed in majesty,
Caging into being earth and sea and sky
Hark! in countless numbers all the angel throng
Hail creation�s morning with one burst of song.
High in regal glory, �mid eternal light,
Reign, O King immortal, holy, infinite.

Bright the world and glorious, calm both earth and sea,
Noble in its grandeur stood man�s purity;
Came the great transgression, came the saddening fall,
Death and desolation breathing over all.
Still in regal glory, �mid eternal light,
Reigned the King immortal, holy, infinite.

Long the nations waited, through the troubled night,
Looking, longing, yearning, for the promised light.
Prophets saw the morning breaking far away,
Minstrels sang the splendor of that opening day;
Whilst in regal glory, �mid eternal light,
Reigned the King immortal, holy, infinite.

Brightly dawned the advent of the newborn King,
Joyously the watchers heard the angels sing.
Sadly closed the evening of His hallowed life,
As the noontide darkness veiled the last dread strife
Lo! again in glory, �mid eternal light,
Reigns the King immortal, holy, infinite.

Lo! again He cometh, robed in clouds of fight,
As the Judge eternal, armed with power and might.
Nations to His footstool gathered then shall be;
Earth shall yield her treasures, and her dead, the sea.
Till the trumpet soundeth, �mid eternal light
Reign, thou King immortal, holy, infinite.

Jesus! Lord and Master, Prophet, Priest, and King,
To thy feet, triumphant, hallowed praise we bring.
Thine the pain and weeping, Thine the victory;
Power, and praise, and honor, be, O Lord, to Thee.
High in regal glory, �mid eternal light,
Reign, O King immortal, holy, infinite.


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