Hark, the Sounds of Singing
Hark! the sounds of singing
Coming on the breeze,
Notes of triumph winging
Over lands and seas.
Martial hosts assemble,
Flushed with victory,
Hell�s battalions tremble
And prepare to flee.
Army of salvation!
Army of the Lord!
Christ our Inspiration
Christ our great Reward.
Whence have come these legions,
Valiant, free and strong?
Worldwide are the regions
Where they combat wrong.
Gathering �neath our banner
While the trumpets blend,
Here in fervent manner
Let our praise ascend.
Plucked as brands from burning,
Saved by Jesus� might,
Earth�s allurement spurning,
We for Christ will fight.
He Who found and freed us
From our captive chain,
Surely He will lead us
To eternal gain.
Wondrous, wondrous story
Of our God-made host,
Unto Jesus glory
�Tis in Him we boast.
Out of every nation,
By His might restored,
Army of salvation,
Army of the Lord.
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