Hark! the skies with music sound
Hark! the skies with music sound,
Heav�nly glory beams around;
Christ is born! the angels sing
Glory to the newborn King.
Peace is come, goodwill appears;
Sinners wipe away your tears;
Christ for you in flesh today
Humbly in the manger lay.
Shepherds, tending flocks by night,
Heard the song, and saw the light;
Took their reeds, and softest strains
Echoed through the happy plains.
Mortals, hail the glorious King!
Richest incense cheerful bring;
Praise and love Immanuel�s Name,
And His boundless grace proclaim.
Glory, praise, and blessing be,
Lord, our Savior, unto Thee;
Thee let heaven and earth adore,
God o�er all forevermore.
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