Hark! How the Watchmen Cry
Hark, how the watchmen cry,
Attend the trumpet�s sound!
Stand to your arms, the foe is nigh,
The powers of hell surround:
Who bow to Christ�s command,
Your arms and hearts prepare!
The day of battle is at hand!
Go forth to glorious war!
See on the mountain-top
The standard of your God!
In Jesus� Name I lift it up,
All stained with hallowed blood.
His standard-bearer, I
To all the nations call,
Let all to Jesus� cross draw nigh!
He bore the cross for all.
Go up with Christ your Head,
Your Captain�s footsteps see;
Follow your Captain, and be led
To certain victory.
All power to Him is giv�n,
He ever reigns the same;
Salvation, happiness, and Heav�n
Are all in Jesus� Name.
Only have faith in God;
In faith your foes assail,
Not wrestling against flesh and blood,
But all the powers of hell;
From thrones of glory driv�n,
By flaming vengeance hurled,
They throng the air, and darken Heav�n,
And rule the lower world.
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