Gracious Spirit, Dove Divine
Gracious Spirit, Dove divine,
Let Thy light within me shine;
All my guilty fears remove,
Fill me full of Heav�n and love.
Speak Thy pardoning grace to me,
Set the burdened sinner free;
Lead me to the Lamb of God,
Wash me in His precious blood.
Life and peace to me impart,
Seal salvation in my heart;
Breathe Thyself into my breast,
Earnest of immortal rest.
Let me never from Thee stray,
Keep me in the narrow way;
Fill my soul with joy divine,
Keep me, Lord, forever Thine.
Guard me round, on every side,
Save me from self righteous pride;
Me with Jesu�s mind inspire,
Melt me with celestial fire.
Thou my dross and tin consume,
Let Thy inward kingdom come;
All my prayer and praise suggest,
Dwell and reign within my breast.
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