God is love, by Him upholden
God is love, by Him upholden,
Hang the glorious orbs of light,
In their language, glad and golden,
Speaking to us day and night
Their great story,
God is love, and God is light.
Through that precious love He sought us
Wandering from His holy ways;
With that precious life He bought us;
Then let all our future days
Tell this story,
Love is life, our lives be praise.
Gladsome is the theme and glorious,
Praise to Christ our gracious Head;
Christ, the risen Christ, victorious,
Earth and hell hath captive led.
Welcome story!
Love lives on, and death is dead.
Up to Him let each affection
Daily rise and round Him move,
Our whole lives one resurrection
To the life of life above;
Their glad story,
God is life, and God is love.
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