God Eternal, Lord of All
God eternal, Lord of all,
Lowly at Thy feet we fall;
All the earth doth worship Thee;
We amidst the throng would be.
All the holy angels cry,
�Hail, thrice holy, God most high!�
Lord of all the heavenly powers,
Be the same loud anthem ours.
Glorified apostles raise
Night and day continual praise;
Hast Thou not a mission, too,
For Thy children here to do?
With Thy prophets� goodly line
We in mystic bond combine;
For Thou hast to babes revealed
Things that to the wise were sealed.
Martyrs, in a noble host,
Of Thy cross are heard to boast;
Since so bright the crown they wear,
Early we Thy cross would bear.
All Thy Church in Heav�n and earth
Jesus, hail Thy spotless birth,
Own the God Who all has made,
And the Spirit�s soothing aid.
Offspring of a virgin�s womb,
Slain, and Victor o�er the tomb,
Seated on the judgment throne,
Number us among Thine own.
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