Glory to God whose sovereign grace
GLORY to God, whose sovereign grace
Hath animated senseless stones;
Called us to stand before his face,
And raised us into Abraham's sons!
The people that in darkness lay,
In sin and error's deadly shade,
Have seen a glorious gospel day,
In Jesu's lovely face displayed.
Thou only, Lord, the work hast done,
And bared thine arm in all our sight;
Hast made the reprobates thine own,
And claimed the outcasts as thy right.
Thy single arm, almighty Lord,
To us the great salvation brought,
Thy Word, thy all-creating Word,
That spake at first the world from nought.
For this the saints lift up their voice,
And ceaseless praise to thee is given;
For this the hosts above rejoice,
We raise the happiness of heaven.
For this, no longer sons of night,
To thee our thankful hearts we give;
To thee, who call'dst us into light,
To thee we die, to thee we live.
Suffice that for the season past
Hell's horrid language filled our tongues,
We all thy words behind us cast,
And lewdly sang the drunkard's songs.
But, O the power of grace divine!
In hymns we now our voices raise,
Loudly in strange hosannas join,
And blasphemies are turned to praise!
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