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Glorious God Accept a Heart

Glorious God, accept a heart
That pants to sing Thy praise!
Thou without beginning art,
And without end of days:
Thou, a Spirit invisible,
Dost to none Thy fullness show;
None Thy majesty can tell,
Or all Thy Godhead know.

All Thine attributes we own,
Thy wisdom, power, and might;
Happy in Thyself alone,
In goodness infinite,
Thou Thy goodness hast displayed,
On Thine every work impressed;
Lov�st whate�er Thy hands have made,
But man Thou lov�st the best.

Willing Thou that all should know
Thy saving truth, and live,
Dost to each, or bliss or woe,
With strictest justice give:
Thou with perfect righteousness
Renderest every man his due;
Faithful in Thy promises,
And in Thy threatenings, too.

Thou art merciful to all
Who truly turn to Thee;
Hear me then for pardon call,
And show Thy grace to me;
Me, through mercy reconciled,
Me, for Jesus� sake forgiv�n,
Me receive, Thy favored child
To sing Thy praise in Heav�n.


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