From death to Life
From death to life, oh, what a thought!
Within my soul what change is wrought
By pow�r divine, no tongue can tell,
One thing I know�for me �tis well;
From darkness unto light sublime,
Through my Redeemer�s matchless Name;
For this He left His home on high,
That I should not forever die.
Oh, praise the Lord for victory,
From death to life He lifted me;
By His great love and pow�r divine
Eternal life is truly mine.
There Jesus paid it all, I see,
To bring this wondrous life to me;
Life from above, oh, joy sublime!
That such a treasure should be mine;
Now in God�s Son I have a part,
Eternal life within my heart,
Translated from the shades of night,
Into the realm of glorious light.
A resurrection, I confess,
Has taken place within my breast;
I�ve been awakened from the dead,
And now I live with Christ instead;
And when I lay this body down,
To mold and crumble in the ground,
My ransomed soul shall fly away,
To one long, bright, eternal day.
There light and life without an end
Into eternity shall blend;
And I the Lord of life shall greet,
And worship at His blessed feet;
Then may I clasp His nail-scarred hands,
Which broke for me death�s awful bands,
By His great love; how could it be?
From death to life He lifted me.
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