From days of Early Youth
From days of early youth, O God,
By Thee have I been taught,
And faithfully have I declared
The wonders Thou hast wrought.
O gracious God, forsake me not
When I am old and gray,
That unto those that follow me
I may Thy might display.
Thy perfect righteousness, O God,
The height of Heav�n exceeds,
O who is like to Thee, Who hast
Performed such mighty deeds?
Thou Who hast sent me many griefs,
Wilt yet my soul restore,
And out of sorrow�s lowest depths
Wilt bring me forth once more.
O turn again and comfort me,
My waning strength increase,
And for Thy faithfulness, O God,
My praise shall never cease.
Thou Holy One of Israel,
To Thee sweet songs I raise;
The soul Thou hast redeemed from death
Shall give Thee joyful praise.
My enemies that seek my hurt
Thy help has put to shame;
My thankful tongue will ceaselessly
Thy righteousness proclaim.
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