Father's Playing Ground
In this modernistic day,
Some have strayed too far away
From our father�s camp meeting, praying ground;
We used to fast and pray all day,
And ask the Lord to have His way,
Back there on our father�s praying ground.
Let us go back to our father�s praying ground,
God is not pleased, let us go back on bended knees;
Too far away some have strayed,
Just now and then a soul is saved;
Let us go back to our father�s praying ground.
Through the country we would ride,
With our children by our side,
Traveling through the storm and rain just the same;
Going to the house of the Lord,
Where we would bow in sweet accord,
Singing, �Come, ye that love the Lord, in Jesus� name.�
The old preacher could hardly read,
Still what he said sinners took heed,
And would steal away and bow down;
Sometimes beside an old oak tree,
One would cry, �He spoke peace to me,�
Just before day on our father�s praying ground.
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