Ever Keep Heaven in View
Pilgrim of Jesus, o�er life�s troubled sea,
Courage, and onward pursue;
A crown of rejoicing is waiting for thee,
Ever keep heaven in view.
Ever keep heaven in view,
Ever keep heaven in view;
Courage, my brother, right onward pursue,
Ever keep heaven in view.
Pilgrim of Jesus, what saddens thy brow?
Are not His promises true?
How needless thy sorrow, He�s bidding thee now,
Ever keep heaven in view.
Pilgrim of Jesus, oh, lift up thy head,
Ask and thy strength He�ll renew;
And, while in the footprints of Jesus you tread,
Ever keep heaven in view.
Pilgrim of Jesus, that Eden above
Long has been waiting for you;
And soon thou shalt reach thy fair mansion of love,
Ever keep heaven in view.
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