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Deep and grand in tones sublime,
Hear the passing bells of time,
Ring the dirge of moments dead,
Golden hours whose joys are fled�
Still those bells of time we hear,
Tolling, tolling: Hark! the word:


In the rosy morning fair,
In the sultry noonday glare,
In the dewy evening bright,
In the silent hush of night�
Still those bells of time we hear,
Tolling, tolling, loud and clear:


When with breaking heart we bend,
O�er a tried and faithful friend,
When the parting hour draws nigh,
And we catch the last �goodbye��
Still those bells of time we hear,
Tolling, tolling, loud and clear:


Precious word! if safe we stand
On the Christian�s borderland
Trusting Him, Whose loving smile
Lights and cheers us all the while�
Bells of time with joy we hear,
Tolling, tolling, sweet and clear:



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