Ere yet the dawn has filled the skies
Ere yet the dawn has filled the skies,
Behold, my Savior Christ arise;
He chaseth from us sin and night,
And brings us joy and life and light.
O stronger Thou than death and hell!
Where is the foe Thou canst not quell,
What heavy stone Thou canst not roll
From off the prisoned, anguished soul?
If Jesus lives, can I be sad?
I know He loves me, and am glad;
Though all the world were dead to me,
Enough, O Christ, if I have Thee!
He feeds me, comforts and defends,
And when I die His angel sends
To bear me whither He is gone,
For of His own He loseth none.
Strong Champion! For this comfort, see,
The whole world brings her thanks to Thee;
And once we, too, shall raise above
More sweet and loud the song of love.
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