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Come, Holy Spirit, come

Come, Holy Spirit, come;
Let Thy bright beams arise;
Dispel the darkness from our minds,
And open all our eyes.

Cheer our desponding hearts,
Thou heav�nly Paraclete;
Give us to lie with humble hope
At our Redeemer�s feet.

Revive our drooping faith;
Our doubts and fears remove;
And kindle in our breasts the flames
Of never dying love.

Convince us of our sin;
Then lead to Jesus� blood,
And to our wond�ring view reveal
The secret love of God.

�Tis Thine to cleanse the heart,
To sanctify the soul,
To pour fresh life in every part,
And new create the whole.

Dwell, therefore, in our hearts;
Our minds from bondage free;
Then we shall know and praise and love
The Father, Son, and Thee.


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