By Thy birth and by Thy tears
By Thy birth and by Thy tears,
By Thy human griefs and fears,
By Thy conflict in the hour
Of the subtle tempter�s power;
Savior, look with pitying eye;
Savior, help me, or I die.
By the tenderness that wept
O�er the grave where Lazarus slept;
By the bitter tears that flowed
Over Salem� s lost abode,
Savior, look with pitying eye;
Savior, help me, or I die.
By Thy lonely hour of prayer,
By Thy fearful conflict there,
By Thy cross and dying cries,
By the one great sacrifice;
Savior, look with pitying eye;
Savior, help me, or I die.
By Thy triumph o�er the grave,
By Thy power the lost to save,
By Thy high, majestic throne,
By the empire all Thine own;
Savior, look with pitying eye;
Savior, help me, or I die.
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