Blest feasts of love divine
Sweet feast of love divine!
�Tis grace that makes us free
To feed upon this bread and wine,
In memory, Lord, of Thee.
Here every welcome guest
Waits, Lord, from Thee to learn
The secrets of Thy Father�s breast,
And all Thy grace discern.
Here conscience ends its strife,
And faith delights to prove
The sweetness of the bread of life,
The fullness of Thy love.
Thy blood that flowed for sin,
In symbol here we see,
And feel the bless�d pledge within,
That we are loved of Thee.
But if this glimpse of love
Is so divinely sweet,
What will it be, O Lord, above,
Thy gladdening smile to meet�
To see Thee face to face,
Thy perfect likeness wear,
And all Thy ways of wondrous grace
Through endless years declare!
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