Believe and obey
Press onward, press onward, and trusting the Lord,
Remember the promise proclaimed in His Word;
He guideth the footsteps, directeth the way
Of all who confess Him, believe, and obey.
Believe and obey, believe and obey;
The Master is calling, no longer delay:
The light of His mercy shines bright on the way
Of all who confess Him, believe, and obey.
Press onward, press onward, if you would secure
The rest of the faithful, abiding and sure;
The gift of salvation is offered today
To all who confess Him, believe, and obey.
Press onward, press onward, your courage renew;
The prize is before you, the crown is in view;
His love is so boundless, He�ll never say nay
To those who confess Him, believe, and obey.
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