Behold he cometh
Awake, ye that slumber,
Awake from your sleep,
With lamps trimmed and burning,
A watch you must keep,
You know not how quickly,
The cry you may hear,
Go forth to meet the Bridegroom,
For lo, He is near.
Behold, He cometh,
The bless�d Bridegroom cometh,
Then go ye forth to meet Him,
A glad and grateful throng.
Behold, He cometh,
The bless�d Bridegroom cometh,
Then go ye forth to meet Him,
With a happy, happy song.
Awake, ye that slumber,
His welcome prepare.
Awake and be ready,
His banquet to share.
The hour is approaching,
No time for repose,
The open door of mercy,
Forever may close.
Awake, ye that slumber,
No longer despise
The warning that bids you
Be watchful and wise.
The Bridegroom may tarry,
But true to His word,
Your bless�d call to meet Him
Will surely be heard.
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