Beautiful Vale of Rest
My soul with rapture waits for thee,
Beautiful vale of rest;
My home beyond the rolling sea,
Beautiful vale of rest;
I long to sing thy pleasures o�er,
The glories of thy tranquil shore,
Where pain and sorrow come no more�
Happy vale of rest.
Beautiful vale of rest,
Beautiful vale of rest,
My soul with rapture longs for thee,
O! lovely vale of rest.
Thy radiant fields and glowing skies,
Beautiful vale of rest;
Too pure and bright for mortal eyes,
Beautiful vale of rest;
Beside the living stream that flows,
The weary heart shall find repose�
Thy pearly gates shall never close,
Happy vale of rest.
The joys of earth, how soon they fade!
Beautiful vale of rest;
Like morning dew or evening shade,
Beautiful vale of rest;
Yet, when we reach thy golden strand,
Our gentle Savior�s promised land,
We�ll sing with all the angel band,
Happy vale of rest.
O! who would dwell forever here,
Beautiful vale of rest;
With joy, unfading joy so near,
Beautiful vale of rest;
O! may I live that I may wear
A starry crown forever there,
And breathe thy sweet and balmy air,
Happy vale of rest.
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