Be thou my Judge
Be Thou my Judge, O righteous Lord,
Try Thou mine inmost heart;
I walk with steadfast trust in Thee,
Nor from Thy ways depart.
O search me, Lord, and prove me now;
Thy mercy I adore;
I choose Thy truth to be my guide,
And sinful ways abhor.
My hands I wash in innocence
And seek Thine altar, Lord,
That there I may with thankful voice
Thy wondrous ways record.
The habitation of Thy house
Is ever my delight;
The place where dwells Thy glory, Lord,
Is lovely in my sight.
Let not the judgment fall on me
For evil men decreed,
For cruel men and violent,
Inspired by bribes and greed.
But I in mine integrity
Will humbly walk with Thee;
O my Redeemer and my Lord,
Be merciful to me.
Redeemed by Thee, I stand secure
In peace and happiness;
And in the Church, among Thy saints,
Jehovah I will bless. |
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