Around the throne of God
Around the throne of God
The host angelic throngs;
They spread their palms abroad,
And shout perpetual songs:
Him first they own, Him last and best;
God ever blest, and God alone.
Their golden crowns they fling
Before His throne of light,
And strike the rapturous string,
Unceasing, day and night:
�Earth, Heav�n, and sea, Thy praise declare;
For Thine they are, and Thine shall be.
�O holy, holy, Lord,
Creation�s sovereign King!
Thy majesty adored
Let all creation sing;
Who wast, and art, and art to be;
Nor time shall see Thy sway depart.
�Great are Thy works of praise,
O God of boundless might;
All just and true Thy ways,
Thou King of saints, in light:
Let all above, and all below,
Conspire to show Thy power and love.
�Who shall not fear Thee, Lord,
And magnify Thy Name?
Thy judgments, sent abroad,
Thy holiness proclaim:
Nations shall throng from every shore,
And all adore in one loud song.�
While thus the powers on high
Their swelling chorus raise,
Let earth and man reply,
And echo back the praise:
His glory own, first, last and best;
God ever blest, and God alone.
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