A New Touch of Fire
For a fresh anointing, Lord, for service
Come we now in Jesus� precious name;
For the blessed Pentecostal fullness,
Every heart with heav�nly love aflame.
Send a new touch of fire on our souls, Lord,
Send it now, Lord, send it now, Lord;
Touch our lips today with the living coals,
Send a new touch of fire on our souls.
Make us free to tell the gospel story,
Liberty in service may we have;
Showing forth the Savior�s grace and glory,
Telling of His wondrous pow�r to save.
Bringing all we have in consecration
As a living sacrifice for Thee;
Trusting for an uttermost salvation,
Jesus� precious blood our only plea.
Let the great Refiner throughly purge us,
Purify our hearts like as by fire;
While for all the sanctifying fullness
Here our waiting, longing hearts aspire.
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