And now this holy day
And now this holy day
Is drawing to its end,
Once more, to Thee, O Lord,
Our thanks and prayers we send.
We thank Thee for this rest
From earthly care and strife;
We thank Thee for this help
To higher, holier life.
We thank Thee for Thy house;
It is Thy palace-gate
Where Thou, upon Thy throne
Of mercy, still dost wait.
We thank Thee for Thy Word,
Thy Gospel�s joyful sound;
Oh, may its holy fruits
Within our hearts abound!
Yet, ere we go to rest,
Father, to Thee we pray,
Forgive the sins that stain
E�en this Thy holy day.
Through Jesus let the past
Be blotted from Thy sight,
And let us all now sleep
At peace with Thee this night.
To God the Father, Son,
And Spirit glory be,
From all in earth and Heav�n,
Through all eternity.
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