All The World for Jesus (Breck)
Take up the battle cry all along the line;
You shall gain the victory, victory divine,
With your Commander nigh, foes in vain combine;
Raise aloft the banner, let it bear the sign.
�All the world for Jesus,� let the chorus ring;
�All the world for Jesus,� crown Him King;
�All the world for Jesus,� let the watchword be
�Forward go in Jesus� Name to victory.�
Truth�s armor you may claim, faith will be your shield;
Fighting on in Jesus� Name, mighty power you wield;
Glory for God your aim, naught can make you yield;
Shout aloud the triumph sure to be revealed.
Soldiers, with courage go, go forsaking all;
Onward, then, to meet the foe, soon the foe shall fall;
Send mighty blow on blow�let no fear appall;
In the Name of Jesus, sound afar the call.
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