All The Way Along
There is One Who loves me, One Who is my Friend.
All the way along, all the way along.
He is ever near me, ready to defend.
All the way along it is Jesus.
All the way along it is Jesus;
All the way along, bless�d Jesus.
He�s my joy and song, all the way along.
All the way along it is Jesus.
He doth still the tempest, bid its tumult cease,
All the way along, all the way along.
In the time of trouble keeps in perfect peace;
All the way along it is Jesus.
In my Lord and Savior I will joyful be,
All the way along, all the way along.
Speaking words of comfort sweet and dear to me,
All the way along it is Jesus.
I will sing the praises of His wondrous love,
All the way along, all the way along.
I will sing more sweetly in my home above,
All the way along it is Jesus.
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