All The Way
Within my heart was fond ambition,
Vain pride, and hopes of worldly fame;
But still remained a place so vacant,
Unfilled by highest earthly aim.
Then Jesus reached His hand to help me�
�Come, seek My love,� I heard Him say;
I quickly left the world behind me,
To follow Jesus all the way.
He led me through the verdant valleys,
Where flowers bloomed by waters fair;
The sunbeams glory showered o�er me,
And fragrant odors filled the air.
Then through the shadowed vale I followed,
Where entered not a brilliant ray;
I felt His touch, though could not see Him,
Then whispered softly, �All the way.�
And then the furnace door was opened:
Within its fiery walls enclosed,
The Son of God was still beside me,
Upon His bosom I reposed.
When in my heart He saw reflected
His image pure�as bright as day�
He led me forth with joy abounding;
Again I whispered, �All the way.�
I stood all ready for His service,
With gold refined and dross removed;
The flames had left my soul uninjured,
But they my faithfulness had proved.
In dismal night or brightest noonday,
If Thou wilt near me ever stay,
Where�er Thou leadest me, O Savior,
I�ll meekly follow all the way.
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