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All I Want

All I Want
Words and Music by Andy Park

In the morning when I rise
Expectantly I lift my eyes
And I see You (echo)
Gazing on Your heavenly throne
In Your presence I'm at home
Here with You (echo)

All I want is more
And more of You

Earthly cares and passions pale
When You tke away the veil
And I see You (echo)
When You open heaven's door
All I want to have is more
More of You (echo)

And all I want
Is more and more of You

The earth and all its glory will fade
But the word of our God will stand
The earth and all its glory will fade
But the kingdom of God I will see

Nothing in the world compares
To the love that I can share
Alone with You (echo)
There is nothing else so real
As the things as You reveal
When I'm with You (echo)


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