Alas! How swift the moments fly!
Alas! how swift the moments fly!
How flash the years along!
Scarce here, yet gone already by,
The burden of a song.
See childhood, youth, and manhood pass,
And age, with furrowed brow;
Time was�Time shall be�drain the glass�
But where in Time is now?
Time is the measure but of change;
No present hour is found;
The past, the future, fill the range
Of Time�s unceasing round.
Where, then is now? In realms above,
With God�s atoning Lamb,
In regions of eternal love,
Where sits enthroned I AM.
Then pilgrim, let thy joys and tears
On Time no longer lean;
But henceforth all thy hopes and fears
From earth�s affections wean:
To God let votive accents rise;
With truth, with virtue, live;
So all the bliss that Time denies
Eternity shall give.
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