Affirm anew the threefold name
Affirm anew the
threefold name
pf Father, Spirit, Son,
our God whose saving acts proclaim
a world's salvation won.
In him alone we live and move
and breath and being find,
the wayward children of his love
who cares for humankind.
Declare in all the earth his grace,
to every heart his call,
the living Lord of time and place
whose love embraces all.
So shall his endless praise be sung,
his teaching truly heard,
and every culture, every tongue,
receive his timeless word.
Confirm our faith in this our day
amid earth's shifting sand,
with Christ as life and truth and way,
a rock on which to stand;
the one eternal Son and Lord
by God the Father given,
the true and life-imparting word,
the way that leads to heaven.
Renew once more the ancient fire,
let love our hearts inflame;
renew, restore, unite, inspire
the church that bears your name;
one name exalted over all,
one Father, Spirit, Son,
O grant us grace to heed your call
and in that name be one. |
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