Abide O Dearest Jesus
Abide, O dearest Jesus,
Among us with Thy grace,
That Satan may not harm us,
Nor we to sin give place.
Abide, O dear Redeemer,
Among us with Thy Word,
And thus now and hereafter
True peace and joy afford.
Abide with heav�nly brightness
Among us, precious Light;
Thy truth direct, and keep us
From error�s gloomy night.
Abide with richest blessings
Among us, bounteous Lord;
Let us in grace and wisdom
Grow daily through Thy Word.
Abide with Thy protection
Among us, Lord, our Strength,
Lest world and Satan fell us
And overcome at length.
Abide, O faithful Savior,
Among us with Thy love;
Grant steadfastness, and help us
To reach our home above.
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