Abide in Thee
Abide in Thee, in that deep love of Thine,
My Jesus, Lord, Thou Lamb of God divine;
Down, closely down, as living branch with tree,
I would abide, my Lord, my Christ, in Thee.
Abide in Thee, my Savior, God, I know
How love of Thine, so vast, in me may flow:
My empty vessel running o�er with joy,
Now overflows to Thee without alloy.
Abide in Thee, nor doubt, nor self, nor sin,
Can e�er prevail with Thy blest life within;
Joined to Thyself, communing deep, my soul
Knows naught besides its motions to control.
Abide in Thee, �tis thus alone I know
The secrets of Thy mind e�en while below;
All joy and peace, and knowledge of Thy Word,
All power and fruit, and service for the Lord.
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